Why Motivational Videos Are Bullshit

7 min readJun 29, 2022



Technically what is motivation?

It is a simple emotion that you feel as a drive to fulfill a desire to meet an end. it goes from miles, strong, to powerful. and the desire could be anything, for example, love, people get very motivated while pursuing a love interest or some religious ritual people wouldn’t go for a morning walk, but on pilgrimages, people scale mountains on foot, so the function of motivation is to fuel that desire and intensity of the motivation Varies in direct proportion to the importance of that desire to you.

“ The more important desire is to you

The more motivated you will feel Simple ”

But now, with the capitalization of this emotion, we have found a very destructive use of this word, and this usage could actually be one of the biggest tools behind the destruction of your planned future.

How People are not interested in solutions anymore?

We prefer a quick fix, a shortcut that will instantaneously give us relief, and make the problem go away for the moment, and motivational videos and content has now become this quick fix.

So how do we see motivational videos now?

To us, instead of an emotion, motivation has become this glamorized power enhancing, power boosting, testosterone and protein induce substance which if consumed on a daily basis will automatically make you achieve your dreams. “automatically” that’s the idea. automatically imply something that is done for you, not by you. it automatically happens.by itself. So let’s consider for a moment the times in which you feel the need for motivation. It happens when you feel uninterested, uninspired, you’re falling behind with work, in studies, or you feel dissatisfied with yourself because you realize how much time is going by. In these moments, you decide to get motivated by using an external stimulus, a person or a video that will get you going. so in order for motivational videos to become a successful strategy, it is required that after it finishes, you directly go to work, otherwise it becomes a failed strategy, so basically it means before even clicking on the video, you have carefully planned in your mind Two things :

i). The amount of motivation you need.

ii). The hours of work you’re going to put in once you get that motivation.

For example, I’m going to watch 10 minutes of motivational videos and then go to work for 3 hours straight. That would be the ideal usage of any motivational content, a pre-decided approach but you don’t do that.


Now let me tell you how you very cleverly use motivation:

  1. Whenever you find yourself not working and wasting time you are met with guilt. It is that feeling of dissatisfaction, which you know grows into a worry in some time. So to counter that, you subdue that guilt to prevent it from becoming a major worry, you have found the solution. a way to trick and fool your brain motivational content, When you watch a series of motivational videos and content your brain receives the information, that you are focused, you are in the zone you are very serious and that makes you feel satisfied, the moment you feel happy and satisfied with yourself your brain subconsciously registers this strategy. as a solution for whenever you are anxious and work on not achieving your goals, which is why you never go to work afterwards you continue watching similar videos, one after the other and it becomes a habit which replaces real actual effort.
  2. These videos become an escape from actually doing your work, because you can fool your brain so your problem in reality isn’t the fact that you’re not progressing in life. your problem is that, you hate feeling guilty about it and motivational videos show, that Guilt problem instantaneously motivation content is not a tool, that makes you work excessively but a dosage that relieves you of any concern bother or stress, which is work-related a quick fix.
  3. If motivation is a natural emotion and you too are a highly motivated person, while in what you need motivational content people live in a world, for now, and the purpose you choose in the world of now is to remain emotionally satisfied to be happy, so you choose everything that keeps you in that emotional condition, which basically are activities that keep you away from stress.
    So what is the most general thing, that people love doing, feeling happy, nothing, that’s what people dream of doing the most, nothing, actually nothing, with the supply of your choice of entertainment. So you watch hours of videos on YouTube, chat with that person you really like, simply sit down with your buddies, and talk love to smoke weed. Nobody goes to six hours of hard work.
  4. After smoking weed you either watch wanna think go out to eat with your friends or go to sleep not clean girls, who love staying emotionally happy in the world of ,now understand that the future wouldn’t be how they’re planning it if they continue like this so they get rid of the silliness of this is a change and invite hard work sacrifices put restrictions on social life, social media and love interest. so you ask that between the fact that you don’t really want to work, and that you have to work for the sake of your dreams. so what’s the solution that satisfies both these demands motivational videos, when you watch them the urge to work goes away and with that you go back to living in The world is now peaceful.

Now let’s go even deeper, how can just watching motivational videos make the earth go away? whenever you start watching motivational videos.

There are 3 emotions that take over you :

i) you suddenly feel driven.

ii) you are met with clarity and all your bullshit excuses get exposed.

iii) you feel energized.

These three feelings are surprisingly strong. Now let’s take a step back, why did you open that motivational video? For a very long time you have been lazing around, which means you haven’t felt any of these three feelings in a long time.

so you watch motivational videos not to generate action, you watch them to feel motivated to work, your actual objective is to feel not do. you like to get motivated in theory not in practice and then get filled with motivation your objective gets fulfilled, and its enough. Just feeling motivated is enough, and you stopped.

Motivational videos to you is another alternative for doing nothing.


So what’s the solution?

  1. whenever you going to type motivational videos on YouTube, immediately understand that you have them pulse to work right now, so you are thinking, a little pump would boost your efficiency, the truth is once you type those words and press ENTER you’re going to get stuck then into a world of feelings you don’t need that you already have the urge to just directly go to work, and you will do great.
  2. be results-oriented a lot of people say, I kicked out all of the distractions, uninstalled apps, distanced myself from friends. stop talking to girls, stop watching TV shows, great! . At the end of that day, did you move even an inch closer to your goal? If your answer is no then all those efforts were useless. determine at the end of the day, how many adjectives put in your goals? That’s the deciding factor.
  3. watch motivational videos with a pre decided approach, 10 minutes of motivation and 2 hours work. motivation context should motivate you into action not satisfaction.
  4. you will have to disrupt your world of now, you can’t be comfortably happy now and expect to preserve your future.

Do you know how people destroy their own dreams? you specifically do it in ways to escape self blame, and for that to be successful, You need to create lots of things to blame, lots of very legitimate sounding reasons, and tricks to fool yourself until the day you can justly convince yourself, that you are ordinary, and those who achieve these dreams are exceptional grade of people, freaks of nature, I am just a regular fellow, I even tried but couldn’t.

No, you are very clever to look how cleverly you are employing your grain to destroy your dreams. It is very impressive how it took this positive thing and made it self destructive. don’t let your mind become your own enemy, screw “now”, screw this world called now. One day, very soon, your future self will be living in this world too, and you are screwing him over right now. My job is to call out the position to make it impossibly hard for you to do.

These clever tricks on your brain to avoid work after this video you will never be able to watch motivational video and not work afterwards, because this trick is now exposed to your brain and you can even lie to your brain you can only trick it, and this trick ends now.

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keep working your ass off, dream the highest dreams, and try to call out your own bullshit as much as you can. Have a great day!


